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Shana travel S.A



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    K Kud img 5

    We would like to thank you very much for the insanely great service and the super great advice! Here you get small individual hotels recommended that you would never have found on your own, absolutely recommendable! If you are looking for a Panama connoisseur, you have come to the right place!

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    Stefan Eckhardt img 5

    On a trip from Panama via Costa Rica to Nicaragua, Shana Travel accompanied us in Panama. A few things went wrong...but that happens in life...and Shoshana (the boss) tried very hard...and ultimately made it possible for us to have a nice stay in Panama. I confess that Panama is not my favorite...but Shoshana has all my affection and trust! Thank you Shoshana (if you are reading this!), we would travel with you again at any time... if it's not possible in Panama :-)

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    Reto Landtwing img 5

    Good and very reliable service

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    Elvis Mayorga img 5